Dominican Republic the Impact of Term Paper

Total Length: 1806 words ( 6 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 4

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The idea is that if such a significant portion of the country's GDP is being funneled into international debt payments and there isn't enough money to improve social services needed to reduce poverty, then the country should improve the quality and efficiency of the institutions that are in place so as to maximize their ability to reach those who are in most need in the nation. Until the country's international debts have been forgiven or paid off, it is crucial that the resources that are available be used as efficiently as possible.

In order to improve the lives of the people of the Dominican Republic who are suffering under the burden of poverty, it is crucial that the country expand access to critical social services, especially to the rural poor. Doing so, though, will be difficult considering the significant weight of national debt that the country currently bears.
With so much of the national GDP focused on the debt, allocating more funds for social services is an unlikely proposition, especially since the general opinion is that only more economic growth will reduce poverty. However, given the positive correlations between poverty and lack of access to social services, it seems evident that expansion of these services, like education and healthcare will improve the situation.


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