Domestic Violence Does Not Depend Research Proposal

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Matters appear to be even worse for those who are in need for protection and shelter as a consequence of psychological or physical abuse at home since statistics also indicate that the percentages of those who are denied shelter are slightly increasing every year in Texas. If there were 16% of those who asked for shelter who were denied in 2001 in Texas "due to lack of space"(Texas HHSC, 2008), according to the same report, 22.63 were denied due to the same reason in 2008.

The BATP in Webster Texas does not only offer temporary shelter for women and children, but it also involves their residents in educational programs that help them rebuild their self-esteem and learn the basic principles necessary for them to change their lives and start all over again. The organization also offers "a weekly confidential self-help support group for victims / survivors of Domestic Violence and/or Sexual Abuse" (Bay Are Turning Point, Inc., ) as well as non-residential services to those in need and post-shelter follow up monitoring.

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BATP claims to have achieved saving a number of man, women and children who sought shelter at their facilities to break free from their abusers and start a new life. Not only did the organization help domestic violence victims recover and change their life, but it also found ways of financially and morally supporting them throughout their crisis period as well as later, when they started building a new stage of their life.

During Domestic Violence Awareness Month (October 2009), the non-profit organization are showcasing a series of events destined to bring more awareness of this reality into their community. One of them if an exhibition at University of Houston Clear-Lake occasioned by an Art Contest under the title: Domestic Violence: The Art of the Matter.

Bay Area Turning Point, Inc. Retrieved: Oct, 7, 2009. Available at:

2008 Family Violence Program Statistics. Texas Council on Family Violence. 2009. Retrieved: Oct….....

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