DNP Essentials and Community Assessment Assessment

Total Length: 1054 words ( 4 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 6

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Community AssessmentThere are several ways to obtain data for a community assessment, including surveys, interviews, focus groups, secondary data sources, and windshield assessment (Diana, 2021; Johnson et al., 2020). For example, surveys can be used to gather information on a wide range of topics, including demographics, health status, and access to services. Surveys can be administered in person, by phone, or online (Mueller, 2022). Interviews can be used to gather detailed information on specific topics or to gain a deeper understanding of the experiences and perspectives of community members. Focus groups are a way to gather information from a group of people in a facilitated setting (Krishnaswamy & Ross-Viles, 2020). They can be used to explore specific topics or to gain a broader understanding of community perceptions and experiences. And secondary data sources, such as census data or existing reports and studies, can provide valuable information on a community\'s demographics, economic conditions, and health status (Manalo et al., 2020).A windshield assessment is a quick and informal method of gathering information about a community by observing it from the car (Manalo et al., 2020). A windshield assessment of my community revealed the following:The area appears to have a diverse population, with a mix of different racial and ethnic groups.There is a mix of residential and commercial areas, with a mix of older and newer buildings.The area appears to be in need of some maintenance, with a number of abandoned buildings and litter on the streets. Boarded up windows and doors are a common sight on some streets.There are a number of community resources and services, such as parks and community centers, but also visible poverty.Graffiti or symbols associated with specific gangs on buildings or other structures. Groups of people congregating on street corners or in certain areas that may appear to be involved in illegal activities are seen.DNP EssentialsCommunity assessment is an essential step in the DNP process and is vital in identifying community needs and resources.

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It plays a role in the development of a plan to address those needs. The data obtained through a windshield assessment can be used to…

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…and the ability to advocate for changes to improve healthcare. This essential helps to ensure that the community assessment takes into account the healthcare system, policies, and legislation that impact healthcare delivery and patient outcomes, and that the results of the assessment are used to advocate for changes to improve healthcare.6. Interprofessional collaboration for improving patient and population health outcomes: This essential focuses on the ability to work effectively with other healthcare professionals to improve patient and population health outcomes. This essential also helps to ensure that the community assessment is conducted in a way that involves collaboration with other healthcare professionals, and that the results of the assessment are used to improve patient and population health outcomes.7. Clinical prevention and population health for improving the nation\'s health: This essential focuses on the ability to design and implement evidence-based interventions to improve population health, including the use of data to identify and address health disparities.8. Advanced nursing practice: This essential focuses on the knowledge and skills needed to provide advanced nursing care, including the ability to assess,….....

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