Dissemination of a Fable in Term Paper

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During this time in history all community organizations interacted at many levels within towns and communities to address needs, emergencies, agendas, projects, and what was deemed important and many times these meetings took place at the local schools in the area which community level civic engagement and participation occurred. Therefore, having named national regulations and rules, standards, and quantitative data in testing to have played a great role in the lack of civic education in schools, as well it is necessary to address the importance assigned to education in the United States. While politicians, policy-makers and legislators all want to declare that they and their political party and organization has assigned the utmost importance to education in today's schools then a new fable in school education curriculum is discovered as under-funded and understaffed schools with horrendously unfit schools much less computer and other technology learning equipment required for today's students may be witnessed throughout the United States and in many Americans schools. There are indeed many fables that exist concerning educational curriculum however, the greatest, and the gravest, is that what is wrong with the schools may be blamed on something as simple as schools and teachers because the blame for the shape that today's school curriculum is in, except in states where teachers and schools have waved aside funding in order to really teach.
..and not 'to the test' and not like a 'cookie cutter' reading scripts to students. In these areas it is related that civic education still plays a key role in these small communities and that this has directed pathways for improvement in teaching however teachers who are not extremely creative uninspired and their students far behind the national curriculum standards in terms of testing standards and yet these students in some areas, are far ahead of national standards. School curriculum it seems is like teachers something that cannot be well-formed on the basis of national standards in order to be effective unless there is a central adherent that holds together or 'cements' the structure of what comprises American schools however, civic education did always provide that framework and structure upon which to base educational curriculum and gear all students toward being a better participants in the American democratic form of government by and for 'We the People.' Perhaps the real fable perpetrated is that civic education is not important as it appears that it is very important evidenced by the present shape of the American school curriculum and the importance assigned American school curriculum in terms of funding and national support and assistance efforts in reaching technological standards to meet the education of today's students......

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