Disc Assessment: Dominant, Influence, and Research Proposal

Total Length: 900 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

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Of course, because dominant people focus on facts and are result-driven, they can bring valuable elements to the team, provided this is countered by the influence-based person who is sensitive to how human emotions can impact the project. The influence-based person needs to encourage both the conventional steady-type and the goal-focused dominating type about the need to change with the environment and to see the value of the process of getting to the destination. The dominant and steady team members need to understand that the journey of achieving a goal can yield organizational value.

Success must be redefined for the dominant person as learning how to use different team member's strengths, like the influencer's responsiveness to the environment. The steady person's desire to satisfy the rules and the needs of the organization can counterweight the dominant person's focus on his or her own success, and the influence-focused person's emotionalism, but the steady person needs to be pressed to be more active and creative by both parties. The influencer may benefit from the single-minded focus of the dominant individual, and learn to have more evidence to support his or her arguments, and learn more 'follow through.' From the influencer, the dominant individual can learn that much can be gained from temporarily deviating from the obvious path, while the influencer will be forced to translate his or her ideas and impressions into concrete steps from both the steady person and the dominant person.

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The steady person can likewise teach the influencer about having a sense of follow-through but also show the dominant person that following rules, rather than ignoring them, can be valuable. Like the influencer, the steady type generally cares a great deal about people, and can have a positive impact upon the influencer. The influencer people-pleaser can learn how following up upon one's ideas, and being careful and meticulous does not mean sacrificing being sociable and considerate towards others.

The success of the team will depend upon their levels of motivation: to realize their objectives, they must compromise and communicate. To achieve a personal sense of goal-directed success and satisfaction, the dominant team member must take into consideration the human processes prioritized by the influencer, and the organizational harmony valued by the steady person. The influencer must look beyond his or her emotions, and see the greater picture, beyond that of feeling satisfied by pleasing people. And the steady person must realize that to accomplish an organizational goal and preserve harmony, sometimes he or she must deviate from conventional assumptions, and see the world in a new way.


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