Digital Marketing on the Internet Essay

Total Length: 409 words ( 1 double-spaced pages)

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Web promotions as well as direct emails are a critical part of our marketing, and I am careful to select reputable websites with designs likely to attract our target demographic of consumer and which generate a high number of online 'hits' due to the site's choice of content.

In the future, I hope to directly integrate our services with the salon's own website. Revenue can be generated by advertising the products of local suppliers, and linking to these sites on our own website. This website will create a sense of personalized attention, even off-site, as users can give feedback to the salon through the site, and feel a sense of community with the salon and other customers.
In future, I intend to use web to enable consumers to look at and learn about new colors and treatments even before they arrive in the store. I also hope to generate emails and notifications specifically based upon the customer's past services at the salon. This will also be part of the personalized nature of the website.

A final, critical component of the site will involve consumers being able to book appointments online, given that ease of use and time-saving are critical concerns of the salon's target….....

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