Differentiated Learning: Philosophy and Practice Term Paper

Total Length: 992 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 5

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Students would be graded upon their own, individual contributions, but they could not let down their fellow group participants. They would have to complete their task, and as the task was within their framework of ability, this would not seem too daunting. Another suggested method of behavior management to ensure student compliance with assignments is to instate a points system, whereby a student can earn a maximum number of points for performing specific diverse tasks relating to a unit, which they can select themselves and tailor to their own interests and levels of ability (Childs, 2007).

Lesson Plan

To teach a reading unit to a third grade class making us of the popular E.B. White classic Charlotte's Web, a teacher might assign a vocabulary list to the students, from which they would be tested. However, students would only have to look up words they did not know. Students could be asked a variety of questions and to write a short composition in class. Their prompts could range from simply writing about how Fern's feelings about the runty pig reminded them of a time in their lives when they felt sorry for an animal, to a time when they felt someone in authority was wrong, to listing things in the world that they felt were unfair that they wished to change.

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The topic they selected and the level of higher-order thinking demanded of the student could vary from student to student. Later on, children could be grouped together to make a birth announcement for the young pigs, which would allow the stronger students to engage in creative writing, and the weaker reading students to make use of their artistic ability yet still connect to the text (Fuller, 2007).


Making use of differentiated learning may at first seem unwieldy and daunting. But ultimately it is a more effective way of engaging students and encouraging students to bring their current abilities and interests into the classroom and to learn from others. Students feel empowered because they have made a contribution to the learning environment, and are more willing and receptive to the knowledge of others when their own strengths are recognized and made a part of the lesson plan......

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