Diet and Exercise Essay

Total Length: 581 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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A general plan for a person who is seeking to maintain a 2000 calorie/day diet must ensure that the proper nutrients are being consumed form optimum health. The following is a useful template that can be uses to help provide the necessary guidance for such a plan.


One cup of a whole grain cereal with 1 cup of low fat milk with one slice of whole wheat toast with peanut butter, can provide a nutritious breakfast that provides enough calories and vitamins to help begin the day. A 6 oz glass of orange juice or other fruit drink can also be added to help provide the Vitamin C that is necessary as well. Calorie count: 450

Morning Snack

To help keep the metabolism moving at a quick pace, a mid morning snack is required. This should include, 1 cup of low fat yogurt and an apple. Calorie count: 300


Lunch could include a turkey burger on a whole wheat bun, with a cheese and vegetables. Calorie count: 500

Afternoon Snack

A couple of handfuls of nuts is a good mid-afternoon snack.
Calorie count:200


Dinner can consist of a 3 oz portion of salmon, with 1 cup of zucchini sauteed in olive oil. Calorie count: 450




























These suggestions are merely guiding ideas for a general 2000 calorie/day diet. Those who are more active should raise their calorie intake with portion control maneuvers and seek between 2500-2700 calories per day. Those who, need less can adjust this template to fewer calories depending on the individual needs for that person.

Section 2

To create a weight loss meal for a 30-year-old female, 5'2," 160 lbs, attempting to lose 2 lbs a week;

Body Mass Index (BMI) = (weight in pounds * 703 ) / (height in inches)^2

Current BMI: 29.3% body fat, overweight.

BMR for women = 655 + ( 4.35 x weight in pounds ) + ( 4.7 x height in inches ) - ( 4.7 x age in years )

BMR =.....

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