Devil's Advocate Seeks to Demonstrate Essay

Total Length: 744 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1

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Lomax can be interpreted to mean the highest of the low and possibly hints at his place within Satan's hierarchy as he is Satan's son. Mary Ann's name, on the other hand, seems to allude to Mary the mother of Jesus or Mary Magdalene; by naming the character Mary, the author insinuates that she is innocent in the entire affair. Most importantly is John Milton. This is clearly a reference to the author of Paradise Lost. The epic poem seeks to "justify the ways of God to men" by analyzing how Adam and Eve were tempted and why they were expelled from the Garden of Eden (Milton 1.26). Moreover, the epic poem also makes an argument for free will, a concept that Milton, the character, exploits.

One of the central themes within the story is that everything is a test. This sets up the argument that there are several conflicts that arise within the story. Not only is Lomax in constant competition with others at his law firm and among his field, but he soon finds himself at odds with himself.
Additionally, it can be argued that Lomax finds himself at odds against nature, in this case his true nature as the son of Satan. Milton continuously comments that he does not control people, but rather that people have free will to act as they wish; due to this concept, it can be argued that there is no conflict between man and supernatural powers, but only between man and himself.

The Devil's Advocate is rife with Biblical references and symbolism that helps the audience better understand the constant conflict between good and evil that is occurring in daily life. Furthermore, the audience is given the opportunity to see how exercising free will can have an impact on the decisions that a person makes. Regardless of the various temptations that a person may be confronted with, it will always be up to them to determine what is right and what is wrong. As Milton contends, everything is a test.


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