"Descent From the Cross": Analysis and Description Essay

Total Length: 885 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

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The objective of this study is to describe Rosso Florentino's 'The Descent from the Cross'.

Rosso Florentino was born in Florence and trained in the studio of Andrea del Sarto. In 1523 Rosso moved to Rome and was exposed to works of great artists including Michaelangelo and Raphael which impacted his artistic style. Rosso's masterpiece is held to be his 'Descent from the Cross' in the Pinacoteca Communale di Volterra.

Description of 'Descent from the Cross'


Rosso's painting 'The Descent from the Cross' is an oil painting that was done on wood.

Rosso's 'Descent from the Cross' depicts Christ being removed from the cross after the crucifixion following his death. The picture is painted in the form of Mannerism known to give more emphasis to the artifice and the process of creation than to the subjects within the painting. Rosso's 'Descent from the Cross' features a dark moody sky in the background of the picture.

The Figures

The figures in Rosso's 'Descent from the Cross' appear to be hurried and rushing about their business of removing Christ from the cross. The grief is evident in the faces of the individuals in this painting. The wind appears to be blowing strongly and the body of Christ is being precariously carried down the ladders. The individual on the top left has an unmistaken grief in his face and the detail is rich and expressive of the emotions of this individual.

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The bottom left appears to depict Mary Magdalene holding up Mary, the mother of Christ who is appearing to collapse from her grief. Peter, who Christ charges with the duty of helping to see to his mother is apparently on the other side of Mary the mother of Christ.

The Mood

The figures in this painting seem frozen in time although appears frenzied simultaneously. The tall individual with red hair features St. John although it leaves one to wonder if since Rosso was also red headed if perhaps he has done a self-portrait and placed his own features on St. John. This would serve to increase his own emotional involvement in the work or perhaps to express his emotional involvement in the creation of this work since St. John is bent over in obvious grief and suffering the loss of Christ and his face in his hands apparently crying and grieving. The focus of this work is primarily on the emotions that are experienced by those removing Christ from the cross following his death.

The Colors

The colors in 'The Descent from the Cross' are both bold and intense as is the mood of this painting.….....

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