Defining Servant Leadership and Its Benefits Research Paper

Total Length: 674 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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Servant Leaders

Conceptualizing and emotional healing and two very important parts of servant leadership (Northouse, 2016). Each allows the servant leader to embrace the situation and be part of it through an intuitive process that promotes growths and unity. Conceptualizing for example allows the servant leader to realize and understand the mission or spirit of the organization for which he is operating. He has a deep comprehension of this mission and makes it his own, so that he is one with it and the ideals that the organization promotes flow out through him as a result. Emotional healing is what is meant by being involved in another person's feelings: it means taking care to not offend others and to sympathize with them and to be a listener and an empathetic force in their recovery and growth.

While transformational leadership is about transforming those around us to be better people, better workers, or better leaders through demonstration and example (by leading the way, in other words), servant leadership is about leading from behind. It does not challenge persons to challenge by setting the example or the bar; it assists people to grow by being there for them, by being supportive, by demonstrating kindness and charity and humility and helpfulness.

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It is this good example that helps followers to grow into healthier persons.

Agreeableness is also an important aspect to servant leadership that helps the cycle of "service by role-modelling" to continue (Hunter et al., 2013). Being likeable is part of what it means to serve others, to put others first. We make ourselves likeable to them so as not to put them off. We place their feelings ahead of our own. This is in a sense a kind of self-renunciation and demands a great deal of self-control. At the same time, it shows that servant leader is one who is truly there to help others and is not "in it" for himself. He shows through his actions that he has managed his own self to such a point that he has forgotten himself in his love for others and that he is truly there to show others the way forward. He is a guide because he has mastered the way through life and knows that we are all in a community together and that no community can survive if we do not devote ourselves to one another.

To reach that point,….....

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