David Leftowith, From Lefty's Corner, Term Paper

Total Length: 391 words ( 1 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1

The data must also be credible, in other words, not from personally interested sources. Some employees may wish to personally skew their sales figures, for instance, to make themselves look better and secure a promotion, or even stress the number of calls made as opposed to sales made -- it is easy to make a call, but not to make a sale, after all!

A strategic planner thus apply his or her same critical skills to data within the company, in other words, he or she would use upon numbers and facts from outside sources.

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(and, as the author has a 'soon to be published book, a canny reader might add that he or she should apply the same standards to his own work!) All this focus on the specific -- with an "aspirational vision" as well? Not an easy task to achieve admits Lefty, but critical and crucial to forming a holistic strategic planning vision.


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