Database Management Today, Nearly Everyone in Across Capstone Project

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Database Management

Today, nearly everyone in across the world would love to store their information in the database to keep track of everyday activities. Organizations are also not left behind in operating their businesses by storing their information on databases. Databases are designed in a way they offer organized mechanisms for storage, managing and retrieving information. The data are stored and organized in different tables by the use of Microsoft Excel or using Structured Query Languages (SQL). Most people have implemented systems that are integrated with databases since they have recognized databases to be the best method of storing and retrieving information that may be of help in the future. For that case, this paper will analyze how energy auditing database can be created and how it will keep track of personal workout history for fitness focused individual using Visio or Entity relationship assistant to create Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD).

How Energy auditing Database works

The database created will keep track of the people personal workout history for fitness focused individual. Each data of persons' entities and attributes will be entered in the database to keep track of every activity one does, making one entity to be the key identifier of the table of persons created (primary key). When creating the energy auditing database, the three Entity Relationship model are used, such as the entities, attributes and relationships.

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Entities in this case involve things used to seek information. In this case, there are various entities that includes; the data/information, client, and the exercises done. The attributes tends to be the data collected regarding the entities, and relationship on the other hand, provides the structure that is required for drawing information from multiple entities.

The energy auditing database will work in a way that it will allow a person to feed in the information. The information entered will mainly involve the workout sessions that are tracked over time to help clients in identifying exercises performed at particular sessions. The information entered in the database could also help the clients in calculating their monthly aggregate workout statistics in order to allow individuals to track ones' personal fitness as well as giving them the ability of spotting trends in weight lifting strength and cardiovascular activities. Database securities will also be enabled to limit the number of people without authentications to view or alter with the data in the system.

Securities in databases have become the main….....

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