Data Collection Tool Part Four Design a Essay

Total Length: 604 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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Data Collection Tool

Part Four Design a data collection tool aggregate population. Make tool elements: Demographics --, birth date, ethnicity, sex, education level, the questions created Part One feel apply Two additional questions consistent goals Healthy People 2020 Data reliable sources answer questions asked (MY aggregate population Hispanic Gay population Jackson Heights, NY.

Data collection tool: Structured interview


What is your name?

When you were born? Were you born in the U.S.

How do you define your ethnicity? What were the ethnic and religious origins of your parents?

With what gender do you identify with?

What is your educational background and how would you describe your profession?

Q6. How do you identify your sexual orientation?

Q7. When did you know that your sexual orientation was not heterosexual?

Additional questions

Q8. Do you feel that the political interests of gay men are represented?

While the recent decision in favor of allowing gay people to marry and the prominence of many 'out' politicians in New York City politics indicates that a great deal of progress has been made, I do not feel that the unique interests of the gay population of Jackson Heights are necessarily well-represented.

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Gays in Jackson Heights, a community which is fifty percent Hispanic, also have interests related to their status as immigrants, Hispanics, and being poor that transcends the civil rights focus of many mainstream gay rights groups (Neudorf 2009).

Q9. How is the gay community in Jackson Heights different from the rest of gay community in New York?

The gay community is much more obviously ethnically diverse than that of the rest of New York. For example, a popular gay bar is often located near taquerias and sari vendors. This is in stark contrast to the more middle-class, upscale, white and older crowd that tends to frequent bars….....

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