Cyberspace As the Most Dominant Domain Cyberspace Essay

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Cyberspace as the Most Dominant Domain


Cyberspace is the indefinite place where all online communications take place. It can also be defined in computer networks as the electronic medium. The name was coined by William Gibson a science fiction author. When he coined the name, he was looking for a word to describe the global computer network he was envisioning. The U.S. government defines cyberspace as the country's control system composed of interconnected computers, routers, servers, switches and fiber optic cables Adams, 1997.

It states that cyberspace is the nervous system for the military. The use of electromagnetic spectrum and electromagnetic to modify, store, and exchange information using physical infrastructures and networked information systems can also be used to refer to the cyberspace domain.

The use of cyberspace to attack others is referred to as cyber terrorism. The attacks occur in form of viruses, which are meant to disrupt large-scale computer networks in a country or state. Cyber terrorism is the new domain for war and terrorism. Any intentional use of public internet, networks, and computers to cause harm and destruction for personal gain or ideologies is also referred to as cyber terrorism.

Cyberspace as a dominant domain

Cyberspace is a dominant domain over the others because all the other domains use technologies which are part of the cyberspace. Without these technologies, the other domains would not be able to function properly, or a disruption of the technologies would render the other domains useless. Any attack to a country's cyberspace can lead to the country losing its sensitive information which can be used against the country. The information is stored and transmitted in the cyberspace thus making it vulnerable to attacks from terrorists and other malicious people. Protecting the nation's information from attack will ensure that the country's systems and other domains are working efficiently, and they are ready for any eminent war Molina, 2003.

A breach to the cyberspace can cause the nation to lose all its defenses as they all rely on technology which runs on the cyberspace.

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Currently the political, military, economic and social activities depend heavily on the cyberspace, thus, making it more vulnerable to disruptions and usurping its capabilities. The sea cannot be used by mankind without the use of technology, as a person cannot swim for so long. Ships, steam ships and nuclear submarines had to be invented, and they all rely in technology to communicate and perform their duties. No one can navigate through the air without the use of technology, and the use of this domain would heavily be dependent on technology for it success. Using the space requires modern technology to move the satellites, and a disruption or attack of the cyberspace can render the space ships or satellites unusable. Military vehicles also rely in technology for navigation and safety. While the vehicles are navigating through land, they need systems that can detect mines, bombs, or hostile environments to ensure safety of the officers on board. The detections systems use technology that is running on the cyberspace.

This goes to show that cyberspace is the dominant domain in all the other domains. Without it, the other domains would be unable to perform their functions with the necessary requirements. The cyberspace also stores information that helps guide the other domains, and an attack to it would give the enemy access to the information that they can use to take over control of the other domains of the country. This would make the whole defense forces of a country vulnerable unless they realize the attack and make….....

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