Customer Satisfaction Management the Success Term Paper

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However, there are certain disadvantages that must be taken into consideration regarding the center's program. For example, in certain situations, the center's employees might not be allowed or able to satisfy patients' needs. This affects the program's credibility because the customer perceives this situation as the company not providing the promised services. This also affects the communication process within the program. This leads to lower perceived value.

In addition to this, the objectives that the program intends to reach determine an increase pressure affecting employees' activity. This is because some of these employees might not be sufficiently prepared for the food service program in case. This forces them to increase their efforts in performing their tasks and activities. This situation is likely to determine inefficient communication within the center. For example, employees might feel reluctant to communicating with patients and with their superiors.

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This leads to conflicts among personnel. In addition to this, the increased pressure on employees can determined reduced morale levels. This leads to reduced performance levels, which affects the efficiency and productivity of the center's activity.

The pressure exerted by the objectives of this program on the management team and on their subordinates can also affect the organizational culture. This situation can be attributed to the confusion created by the program. In other words, the employees involved in this program must expand the activities they were hired for. This determines them to modify the management of their tasks. These modifications are likely to determine reduced efficiency and productivity for the company.

Reference list:

1. Fabien, L. (2005). Design and Implementation of a Service Guarantee. The Journal of Services Marketing. Retrieved May 26, 2011.

2. Hart, C. (2000). Extraordinary Guarantees. Marketing.....

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