Curriculum Assessment the Objective of Essay

Total Length: 475 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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Additionally related is that readers in this first six weeks of the 9th grade should "develop, select and apply strategies" to assist them in reading comprehension." Equally matching such is the teacher's responsibility for administering timed readings to assess the independent reading rate of individual students as well as their responsibility to establishing a learning community within the classroom and to engage students in processes that enhances their reading comprehension and reading skills.


Score applied 1-3 being least effective and efficient and 3 being most effective and efficient




Sound Theory


Assessment of Learning

Engaging Students


Curriculum implementation is very much required to take place in a collaborative manner as the teacher interacts with students and encourages discussion in the learning community environment that the teacher also is responsible for fostering among students in the classroom.

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The students are provided with the specific tools and resources that are needed to optimize their learning potential as well within the scope of the curriculum.


Because the curriculum is so informing as to precisely what is expected to take place in the classroom optimally, this information should be readily provided to students and parents so they will know what to expect from each semester of the 9th grade school year.


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