Cultural Role About Gender Breaking Term Paper

Total Length: 1263 words ( 4 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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..] and they have to take classes in make up, hair care, poise, and etiquette," (Lorber 1994).

So, I decided to use this expectation as a way to show just how prevalent gender associations are in a social setting. One night I attended a local club in a much different way than how I normally go out. Rather than wearing a dress or skirt with heals and make up, I went out this night in baggy Dickey shorts, borrowed from a friend, and no make up whatsoever. I chose this cultural role as a way to show just how much physical appearance was a part of how we assigned gender identity. I had previously thought that this was an important part of gender, due to the extreme actions many people take in order to adapt their physical appearance to their gender role. Various plastic surgery procedures, such breast augmentation, liposuction, silicon implants, and even full sex changes, show just how far many people are willing to go to meet the cultural criteria of a male or female. What I did not expect, however, was how people would respond to an individual intentionally breaking those conventions in a location which is normally known for upholding them.

I was not dressed in a way which denote that I was completely careless about my appearance, I was not wearing sweatpants or anything which could be thought of as over casual attire; I wore Dickies' kaki pants with a nice, but oversized men's dress shirt and no make up. I made sure not to break the enforced dress code, but rather to simply adhere to the men's version of the dress code. What I experienced was surprising in that, not only did I receive rarely any attention from the men in the club, but both sexes were also negative when they did react to me. I had expected this of the men, but I was surprised in the amount of women who reacted harshly to my disregard of the gender norm which ruled that establishment.

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No men offered to buy me a drink or even be polite while passing by my spot at the bar. The female bartender made it a point to show how long she was taking to make my drink, despite my continuous tip with every order. It was strange to encounter such a reaction from both sexes.

Through my experience, I realize that gender roles are a major factor in, not only who we are, but also in how we are treated. Although I had expected negative feedback from men, I was astonished to find the majority of women to be just as judgmental and disapproving. This shows how it is not just the opposite sex which enforces the gender guidelines of what it is to be female. Although heavily influenced by the male opinion, many females are themselves guardians of the gender guidelines which in many cases hold them back from various opportunities. I do not believe this behavior was fully conscious or voluntary, but rather a symptom of a larger ideology which is continuously instilled within us since the day we are born. The unconscious nature of the enforcement of cultural gender roles, by both sexes, does not breed much hope in the effort to revolutionize the way the two sexes interact and define themselves. If we are so oblivious to how gender truly affects our everyday lives and interactions, how will we attempt to change its tight grasp on our identities?


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