Cultural Practices and Religious Beliefs Research Paper

Total Length: 882 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 5

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The other issue is the poverty that makes the population not access medical healthcare. The most common diseases are asthma and diabetes. This is because the place is damp and highly populated hence no free circulation of air. However, the community health center and the health department of New York are working together to help curb this issue by educating the people, and advocating for preventive measures (Shelley et al., 2011).

Moreover, the people in this area seem not to realize their rights to better housing as most of their apartments are infested with moulds. Advocacy for better housing and housing facilities is another key preventive measure for the spread of these diseases. Other measures taken to combat the problem are that initiative to plant trees hence, bringing clean air. Poor diets and eating habits are also a key problem to the health of the people.

A part of the community believes that illness is as a result of natural imbalance between some internal and external forces.

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Others perceive it as the will of God or others as punishment from God. In pursuing treatment, the people result to mainly self treatment with others opting to allow God to heal them from the illness (Weber, 2009).

With these cultural barriers to effective access to quality health care, the difficulties that are faced by the health care systems in establishing quality health care for the community are quite challenging. Measures and strategies have been taken to curb these barriers (Paniagua, 2005). These include establishing positive and supportive trustworthy relationships within these cultures with the available quality health care systems available.

It is also important to create cultural competence in dealing with the cultural barriers. As a result, the government and the state have set up measures that are meant to deal with this minority group. The department of health trains its workers and health officials in linguistics, and cultural observances of the various ethnicities, so as to make it ease when dealing with persons from different.....

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