Cultural Competence in This Short Research Paper

Total Length: 590 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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, 195-196).

The web page on the website Health Resources and Services Administration has its own guidelines for cultural competency on behalf of health care providers. The domain that deals specifically with the patient population at Hospice House are People with Disabilities. Those with dementia make up just such a population at the Hospice House (, 2012). This treatment of the population with its special needs would help the staff deal with the increase in the number of unusual occurrence reports that have centered on difficult

combative behavior by patients who have been recently admitted to Hospice House. Obviously, something has changed in the population regarding their special needs. In this case, special emphasis will be need to be placed upon servicing the changing needs of this population in order to deal with the spike in incidents of combative behavior between the staff and the patients.

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In such a case, being culturally sensitive and aware is not enough. Rather, the ability to use that knowledge to deal with the combative behaviors and deliver palliative care is the most important issue to deal with so that the nursing mission can be carried out competently.


As noted above, by studying the issues of cultural competency, the author has gained insights into dealing with the special needs of dementia patients at Hospice House. While this is not the solution to the problem, it is the beginning of a methodology to get to the bottom of how to deal with the problem......

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