Crucible Directed by Nicholas Hytner. Movie Review

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However, the storytelling itself seemed to take a backseat to the drama, and it made the film drag in spots.

It also could have been much more innovative in direction and cinematography. The scenes were rich and full, and the director did use some camera angles (such as above in the church/courtroom), and above again in a scene where Abigail "sees" a spirit above her and collapses in the court. However, for the most part, this film lacked real innovation or unconventional techniques, and I think that was a weakness in the film, and part of the reason it became boring by the end. Since it was based on a stage play, most of the film is dialogue, and without some other kind of action or direction, that can stagnate in a film, and it did that here. Sadly, I think this film could have had much more impact if it had been handled differently. Abigail is not played as a sympathetic character at all, and if there was anything truly evil in this village, it seemed to be her, and the way the people blindly followed her without question. This is a powerful story about religious believes, mob behavior, and lack of questioning, but somehow, some of that message seemed lost in the background of this film, and I think that is a shame. I think Miller's work brought these themes home to the audience, but this work lost them somewhere in the beginning after it established the girls and the court drama that would follow. I believe that is because of direction, and certainly not script or acting. The direction cannot live up to the drama itself, and so it lets the play and the viewer down in the end. The film is certainly artistic, and some of the cinematography is just lovely, such as the scenes of the town with the shimmering bay in the background, and most of the outdoor scenes.

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However, that cannot make up for direction that lacks real drama and movement throughout the storyline.

The film is very artistic and well acted. It is clear Miller wrote a powerful drama that touches the people who view it. However, because this was written as a stage play before it was filmed, it seems to rely only on drama rather than action, and it bogs down the movie and makes it boring in many areas. There are also such a variety of characters that at times it is difficult to keep them all straight, and some of the court scenes and their outcomes were a bit confusing as well. The film works best in the individual scenes of power and emotion when Day-Lewis, Ryder, and Allen get to show their talent and abilities with Miller's powerful words. This is an artistic film from many standpoints, but it is certainly not to be considered entertainment, because watching this film is more work than play. Concentration is paramount, and if you cannot keep the characters straight, it may become muddy and disorientated. I am glad I viewed this film, but I am not sure I would want to sit through it again, it plods too much in the middle and becomes difficult to endure until the end......

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