Critics on TV Show Term Paper

Total Length: 398 words ( 1 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 0

reality in reality television. She points out how the show appeared to more of a joke than it did anything else.

For instance, she states that the creators of the show have "set up a number of artificial challenges geared to maximize the tension" between the contestants. The author expresses that CBS was successful in raising its ratings but if it were really serious about attracting teens to the show they would have "put a few baby boomers on the island, so that kids could have the pleasure of seeing their parents get kicked off." In addition, she felt the advertisements were not geared toward a younger audience.

Clearly the author has issues with the genuine circumstances about the show. This is evident when she says, "I myself killed a spider in my bathtub just the other night, using nothing but my bare hand and a few sheets of one -ply toilet paper; and I have managed to survive on the island of Manhattan for twenty-one years without being voted off." Her point is that the circumstances on the "island" were not as challenging as surviving in the largest populous city in the United States. She asserts….....

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