Creative Intelligence the First of the Four Essay

Total Length: 940 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

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Creative Intelligence

The first of the four styles of creative intelligence is intuition. Intuition focuses on results and relies greatly on the past experience of the individual or organization in order to guide future decisions that are made. Educators always give consideration to the importance of the past since it is a common belief that mistakes can be avoided simply by taking into consideration the history of the action. From the perspective of the business, every business organization needs to take into account the different patterns that arise and to exercise caution at all times. Through strategic planning, the organization will be able to prepare for all scenarios by forecasting any possible outcomes Rowe, 2004.

Some of the largest mistakes that are made are as a result of dependence on past results, but so are the biggest successes.


For those individuals who possess the ability to use their own imagination to visualize different scenarios, they are able to impact the decision-making process in the organization greatly. This is because they have the capability to view the current situation from a different point-of-view thus allowing them to have good coping skills for the purpose of solving problems. They are able to have confidence in every situation and thus can influence the members of the organization thus allowing them to plan for the future.


This mindset focuses on those social changes that are taking place in the society and thus presents some form of dedication to change the end result.

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Those who work in this particular mindset tend have a positive energy and are able to remain motivated, focused and logical. Those organizations with inspirational leaders find that they have a positive outcome of the future since they are able to promote change to a positive direction and thus limit the organizations in various ways.


Innovation involves the tendency to focus on the issues that are at hand and the evidence presented. It is the most logical style as a result of it having a clear focus of the visible evidence. The major limitation of the innovative mindset is that decisions are made based on the presented facts and do not incorporate other aspects such as the past or the future.

Five forces that influence mental models or mindsets

The first of these forces is education. Education plays a major role in shaping the mindsets of various individuals and it forms a strong foundation which molds their view of the world. By influencing how people look at the world, education is intended to give the people a common language from which they operate and it makes it easier for them to blend into the environment Wind, Crook, & Gunther, 2005.

A good example of this is that a scientist learns to look at the world in a different way….....

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