Crane Dear Sir, for the Term Paper

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Being old, she has spent a lifetime learning the intricacies of life, providing her with priceless wisdom. All this wisdom however has not prevented her from becoming a beggar in her old age. The girls in the picture are just beginning to be admitted into society, whereas society has finished with the old woman in the story, and thus she sits outside and begs where she only receives money from those not living in the vicinity.

This brings me to the connection points between the photo and the story. One important connection is the fact that the setting of the photo is an industrial school. Thus the setting is hardly luxurious. It is therefore easy to connect the rather drab setting of the industrial school with life in the street. The girls' clothing is also far from what one would expect a rich person to wear. There is thus a connection between the financial circumstances of the girls and the old woman. It is not hard to imagine that any of the girls may end up like the old woman when she has lived her life. It is all too easy for circumstances to deteriorate to the point where all early hopes and dreams are shattered.
All that is left for the old woman is a few coins every day, and nothing more.

Finally, the wider theme of the American dream, and how it has been shattered for millions, is suggested poignantly by the flag. The flag is representative of the girls' hopes, and also of the hopes the old woman might have had when she was young. Obviously, none of these came true, and therefore the inclusion of the picture here is ironic.

I hope therefore that you would duly consider my suggestion in placing this photo at the beginning of Chapter III. The symbolism of the flag and the young girls in the photo provides a clear and sad contrast with the circumstances of the old woman. Thank you for taking the time to consider my comments......

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