Country Entry Risk Assessment Alba Term Paper

Total Length: 1735 words ( 6 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1+

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They have been committed to the development of what they deem to be Consciousness Cosmetics for more than a decade. Entry into the Portuguese market offers certain benefits, such as the Portuguese people's commitment to high moral standards, which would be conducive to cruelty-free, environmentally responsible products such as Alba Organics. However, there are risks as well that need to be taken into consideration. The Portuguese market is small and growing at only a nominal rate, in comparison to other EU countries.

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The population is still primarily located in rural areas. Although the euro is quite stable currently, that could change, affecting Alba's profitability. and, there are three primary, well-established competitors that control the majority of the market share currently, with large financial backing that could out compete Alba......

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