Counseling Using Clarkson's Five Relationship Term Paper

Total Length: 1849 words ( 6 double-spaced pages)

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Walking through a museum together puts brother and sister on the same plane, the same playing field; they are both witnesses to history and the natural world.

The fifth Clarkson step in her model is "Transpersonal" or "Ideal Relationship" (based on what the bigger picture is in terms of the organization or in this case, family. Clarkson also uses the term "unlearning" and this is appropriate for Joey. He needs to "unlearn" - but never forget - the way he lived in the country. He can't walk out the door before dawn and hear owls. He will only hear the roar of traffic and the sounds of industry and motion in the city. He doesn't need to forget those owls - because he will go back and visit the country many times in his life - but he needs to learn why he's hearing new sounds that aren't so pleasant perhaps.

It is important at this phase to have him unlearn his father's habits - drinking to excess and having a son watching and learning from that behavior - and those habits can be replaced by his mother and sister's more genteel and gracious manners.

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What is the family mission in this family? What is the bigger picture?

Is it just getting along with one another and making it through each day? Or is it to become a unit that makes a contribution to the community? Does his mother contribute in any way to any nonprofits or social change organizations? She should be part of one or more of the counselling sessions so she can lay out to Joey in front of a professional witness what it is in this big city that she looks forward to doing. Is it volunteering at the local wildlife rescue center? Maybe Joey would like to go with her? If she hasn't become part of a community activity like animal rescue, perhaps she could be, and involve Joey at the same time for some bonding that is very necessary particularly now that he is making the biggest adjustment of his young life......

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