Corrections Criminal Justice the Development Term Paper

Total Length: 1566 words ( 5 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 4

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Children between 4 and 6 and children who are distant will also be provided a pen pal packet.


Discount transit passes will be provided for children and their chaperone from the Boys and Girls Club through a benefit held by the inmates, as well as inmate donations. Supplies for pen pal packets have been donated by the United Way. All teachers are volunteering time to increase the efficacy of the program and show the inmates that they have commitment to it.

The yearly budget for the program will be $15,000, mainly consisting of costs incurred for transportation and supplies, which will covered by donations, the United Way and contributions from inmates.

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Students will be returned to the transit center to meet the B&G club volunteer by 5:30 PM so they are able to return to the B & G. club in time for the nightly meal, before they return home. If return is to late for the evening meal the dietician at the B&G club will pack cold lunches for the children to take home......

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