Cooperative Lesson Term Paper

Total Length: 1257 words ( 4 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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Cooperative Lesson Plan: Journal

The first lesson plan being discussed here is regarding the journal written by Douglass S.Massey on racial segregation and the creation of the underclass. Massey (1990) states that the racial segregation during the 1970s was a major reason that poverty levels were high in some areas of the city. This is basically explained by the fact that the rising incidence of segregation went on to reflect the economic and class different that arose in the society. It was noted that the poverty concentration of the minority were also linked with the socioeconomic character of the neighborhood. In other words, it was noted that segregation and poverty combined led to other acts like bad schooling, increased crime rate and poor family life in those neighborhoods.

One of the strategies that can be used to discuss this journal is positive interdependence and face-to-face promotive interaction. Because this is an intellectual topic, it only seems necessary to have this notion and these ideas discussed by different people in the class room. The face-to-face interaction mentioned would be helpful if two students of varying ethnicity can take this topic and discuss it with each other. It should be noted that students should be careful about the other person's feelings and should not go on to make racist remarks against each other.

Massey stated these opinions and looked up his data to support his findings. Unfortunately, his ideas and main statements might also be true today. Positive interdependence basically means that the class feels like a group and therefore works in groups to prove a point. Seeing how this topic revolves around minority neighborhoods and their living conditions, one activity could be sending groups of students to minority neighborhoods.

Even though Massey was talking about the 1970s, the students need to realize what exactly he was trying to portray. Visiting neighborhood where certain populations of African-Americans, Asians or Mexican are common will give them more idea about the socioeconomic conditions of these minorities.
Following that, the students should also visit the societies that known for just White residents. In case the students do find people of different descent residing in the same minorities, they can confidently say that Massey's notion does not talk about the society today. Regardless, the point here is for the students to understand Massey's work and try to relate to it if possible.

Cooperative learning lesson plan: Journal 2

The second journal that will be discussed also talks about the movement of African-Americans into suburbs during the 1970s. Logan and Schneider (1984) talk about the racial segregation and change that took place in the suburbs during the aforementioned time period. It is stated that an increasing number of African-Americans entered into suburban communities in the 1970s. It was seen that most of the African-Americans were crowding into one area themselves. Even though racial segregation had ceased by that time, African-Americans themselves chose to reside in certain areas. Due to this reason, it was seen that racial segregation was reinforced indirectly all over again.

A major theme in cooperative learning is group discussions in the class room. These sorts of discussions allow students to speak out their mind. In speaking out their mind, students get a clear stance of where they stand and what the actual history on this matter is. As mentioned earlier, many students would state that minorities do tend to feel more comfortable around their people of their own race or ethnicity. On the other hand, many students might disagree with this notion. After stating their opinion, students can go onto give reasons for why this happens. The end conclusion is a healthy discussion that deeply ingrains the idea and the topic in everyone's mind. The entire purpose to introduce the topic and….....

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