Cooperation of States Across the Essay

Total Length: 758 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

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Through this there are laws to distinguish combatants from civilians giving each specific rights and responsibilities. International norms pertaining to human rights are becoming stronger and widely accepted (Pearson Education, 2010).

North-South Relation

This is the relationship between industrialized countries in the north and developing countries in the south. Most of the world's population is in poverty in the third world and a large number of this have no access to food, water and other necessities therefore cooperation between the south and north countries enable the countries with problems try solve them. This is through institutions like IMF that makes loans to the south conditional on economic and governmental reforms. Foreign assistance from governments in the north plays an important part in the economic development plans of poorer states in the south. The foreign aid consists of bilateral grants and loans from governments from the north .there are also disaster relief that involves cooperation from various donor governments, local governments, the UN, and private agencies (Pearson Education, 2010).

Environment & Technology

There is a threat of climate change coupled with an increasing widespread use of chemicals and global environmental problems that threaten global environmental environments human health and well being. These environmental problems are solved through cooperation between actors worldwide. This has been done through various treaties and convections and global environmental processes. An example of a global organization in the environmental sphere is United Nations Environment Program. Advancement in technologies should also be spread and shared across the globe so that there can be a holistic improvement in the technological advancement across the globe. Institutions like International Technology and Engineering Educators association a professional association for technology innovation, design and engineering who aim to provide and promote technological literacy for all supporting teaching of technology and engineering. This will ensure that great minds will come up all over the world that will come up with new technology from the knowledge gained......

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