Control of Worker Compensation Costs Case Study

Total Length: 675 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 8

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Then, in the case of just cause, these mechanisms are employed only when necessary, such as the identification of unethical of illegal behavior on the part of an employee. When severe disciplinary action has to be taken, such as the dismissal of an employee, this would have to be supported by due process and just cause (Sison, 2010).

2) Free speech and individual's rights

Employers might strive to limit the free speech of their staff members in order to prevent the spreading of any fact of perception that might damage the reputation of the entity. While this attitude might have some benefits at the business level, it would also raise some concerns at the level of individuals' rights.

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In this order of ideas, the business gains would materialize in the control of the information which impacts employee motivation as well as the image of the firm (Daft, 2009). Still, it would conflict with human right if free speech and it would as such be illegal and unethical. This in turn would materialize in business shortages, such as loss of employee trust and respect. The best solution is that of creating a working environment in which information circulates freely and employee input is valued and integrated to improve the company (McLean, 2005)......

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