Contraceptives Many People Believe That Essay

Total Length: 940 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

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Edward Green, a senior research scientist at Harvard and the director of the Aids Prevention Research Project states "the safer people feel when engaging in risky behavior, the more likely they are to increase that behavior" (Gross & Looby, 2010, p. 64). These conflicting results, from two purported experts, presents the dilemma faced by parents and administrators. Neither side can justify (on science alone) their side, and so the rhetoric continues, with neither side winning. The Looby and Gross report does state "Though it seems counterintuitive, the countries that have seen continued increases in the rate of AIDS infection are the ones that have adopted the most aggressive condom distribution campaigns" (p. 64).

If that is true then a program designed to curb teenage sexual activities may, as parents often assert, be promoting additional risky behavior. The question then remains as to how to confront the problem.

This author believes that the continued distribution of condoms can be effective in curbing teenage pregnancies, but only with additional education. Perhaps a program designed to present all alternatives, from abstinence to full sexual activity with condom use could be available to the students.

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However, such a program would likely be effective only if participation was voluntary and required a parent's acknowledgment for participation.

A program such as the one espoused by the author could possibly address the concerns of all interested (or uninterested) parties. A program such as this one would allow for as much or as little information to be dispensed as was appropriate. Parents could work hand-in-hand with administrators to provide an ala carte network with freedom of choice being the ultimate guideline and society being the ultimate beneficiary. Parental consent would be required at any level which still leaves the parents in control of the amount of data they feel comfortable in providing for their particular children. Parents who wish to allow their offspring to fully or partially participate will have that choice available, and those parents who take the other stance will also have that right.

Ultimately it is the parent's decision as to how to raise their children and government entities should not overstep their bounds, especially in areas such as sexual activities by high school students.


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