Content and Reliability of Assessments and Job Essay

Total Length: 658 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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1. Why are reliability and validity important for assessment? How are content validity and criterion-related validity used to establish construct validity? Support your position.

Assessment instructions, whether for measuring cognitive ability or intelligence, or for psychometrics like personality, need to be both reliable and valid; otherwise, their results would be meaningless. In fact, using unreliable or invalid assessment instruments could lead to distorted judgments and biased beliefs. The decisions made based on reliable assessments can be sound and productive, whereas decisions made based on invalid or unreliable assessments may be unethical. Assessment reliability refers to how consistent the results are, and validity refers to how well the instrument measures what it intends to measure (“Reliabiity and Validity,” n.d.). The same test administered to the same population at a different point in time should yield similar results—the “test/retest” effect (Sullivan, 2011, p. 119). Likewise, assessment reliability takes into account how the same test administered to a population with similar demographic characteristics such as age or nationality yields similar results.

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Similarly, different questions on the same instrument should yield similar results within that same population—something called internal consistency (Sullivan, 2011). The assessment questions should also be tested to determine whether they measure the desired construct.

Content validity refers to the way an assessment method matches the instructional objectives (“Reliability and Validity,” n.d.). Educational assessments provide the prime examples of the importance of content validity, as a test on Shakespeare should not include questions on Tolstoy. Criterion validity matches the assessment results with some other objective. For example, if extraversion is strongly correlated with high rates of sales among employees, then human resources would be using an instrument with strong criterion validity. Both content and criterion-related validity determine construct validity. Construct validity is similar to criterion validity but is more theoretical (‘”Reliability and Validity,” n.d.). One example would be when a personality test results correlate with worker productivity.

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“Job Analysis Methods,” (n.d.). Psychology.

Morgeson, F.P. (2017). Job analysis methods. The SAGE Encyclopedia of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 2nd edition.

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