The Consumers Behaviors Purchasing Local Baby Food Versus International Baby Food

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Consumer Behavior: Purchasing Local Baby Food vs. International Baby Food (in Ethiopia)

Companies that manufacture and/or market baby formula employ various conventional and modern (i.e., web-based) media for advertising their products and capturing a large target audience. Studies indicate that the ability of market buyers to learn and remember specific brand names and keep them at the "top of their minds" results from advertising's effects, which can't be controlled by companies, particularly in case of media like television (Mazis & Raymand, 2007). Okazaki, Nishiyama and Katsukura 2007 report that positive brand image influences consumer trust. Furthermore, Ajzen and Fishbein (1975) write that the presence of a positive attitude in connection with a product/brand in consumers helps reinforce their purchase intention. Still, empirical studies also reveal that many buyers doubt the claims made concerning products in their advertisements. Consumers are aware of the fact that the aim of advertisements is persuasion, and therefore, the general belief is that ads are deceptive. Additionally, higher skepticism levels are witnessed, with regard to health claims, when advertisements form the source of such information (Mazis & Raymond, 2007).

Theoretical Background

Consumer Behavior Model

Market researchers have been trying to understand consumer behavior since a few decades.

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They have summarized their findings in several different models of consumer behavior. The consumer behavior model serves the purpose to help vendors understand that how consumers make purchasing decisions. A vendor may influence a buyer's decision if the consumer behavior process is clearly understood, for instance, special promotions or by advertising.

The EC model includes the subsequent factors or determinants:

Independent (or uncontrollable) variables have categories as both personal and environmental attributes or characteristics.

Controlled variables (moderating or intervening variables) which have been classified into 2 types; first market stimulus and second EC systems.

The decision-making process is affected by the independent and intervening variable.

The process is accomplished with the buyers' decisions resulting from the decision-making procedure.

The dependent variables that define the decisions that are made by the consumer (Turban, 2006).

The present study has adapted this existing model of consumer behavior regarding the target study variables. A brief review of the study variables has been given below.

Independent Variables


The education level, influences parents' decision of purchasing locally-made, or standard imported, baby food.



Religion may be another key factor, which impacts dependent variable, bearing in mind the ingredients utilized to prepare the particular….....

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"The Consumers Behaviors Purchasing Local Baby Food Versus International Baby Food", 28 December 2015, Accessed.1 July. 2024,