Constitution for a Club Essay

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Constitution for a Club

Rules and laws are a vital component of any civilized society. No human community can function effectively without them. All areas of life are governed by some sort of rule. In general society, for example, there are governmental laws in the form of the constitution and the law. There are also rules in the workplace and at school, as well as in less formal environments such as the family. The purpose of rules and laws is to help everybody understand what is necessary for the community as a whole to function effectively. Breaking laws on a regular basis, such as arriving late for work on a regular basis, creates a situation in which the order and effectiveness of that community is broken. It generally leads to punishment for the individual in order to restore order to the community. Whenever human beings are together and form a community for a common purpose or around a common passion, rules will necessarily be needed in order to ensure that the community functions well and that everybody understands his or her role. This is also true when forming a club.

When creating a constitution for the club in question, the first important thing is to ensure that everybody is involved in its discussion. This will create a sense of inclusion and democracy and also ensure the fairness of the rules.
It is important that everybody believes in both the necessity and fairness of the rules. Those who do not will not be inclined to comply with the rules.

Once all the rules have been discussed, selected, and finalized, they need to be typewritten as an official document and put on the club's notice board. This will ensure that the rules are prominently displayed for everyone to see and that there will be no confusion about what the rules are. This is particularly important when a club member breaks one of the rules. Nobody should be able to claim that they did not know or have forgotten what the rules are.

Another copy of the club consitution should also be signed by all club members to establish each member's approval of the rules. When new club members join, they should also be required add their signatures to show that they both understand and agree to obey the constitution. This is also important in case punishment becomes necessary.

Enforcement is also important when it comes to the constitution. This task will fall to the president of the club, who will also be in charge of punishment should any of the….....

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