Conspiracy Theories of 911: An Essay

Total Length: 2489 words ( 8 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 5

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Many believe that the compelling phone calls passengers made to their loved ones that day were, in fact, staged (News One Staff 1). One report states that "a key piece of evidence claimed for this theory is that the mobile phone calls the victims recorded as having made to loved ones from the doomed planes were not possible because of the altitude of the aircraft and therefore faked using voice morphing technology" (McGreal 1). Yet, phone records indicate that many of the passengers made these calls from the satellite phones that are equipped on most airplanes for passengers to use during flight for a nominal fee. As such, it is clear that these passengers did reach out to their family and friends in their last minutes. This whole theory is contradictory to what the federal government is reporting about Flight 93. Federal reports show that the brave passengers of the flight fought back against the hijackers after learning of the plot (U.S. Printing Office 313). They risked their own lives to save the lives of others. To say that their brave efforts were staged is disrespectful to those who died trying to ensure that no more were murdered on that horrific day in 2001.

Additionally, there are ridiculous claims that the hijackers survived the crash. Some of the hijackers' passports were found amongst the rubble and ruins of the crashes (News One Staff 1). From this, some theorists believe that many of the hijackers survived the crash.
After the crash, the hijackers fled to other countries. Others believe that the hijackers were not on the flight when it crashed, but rather that they had devices that allowed them to fly the plan without them on board (McGreal 1). This is ridiculous, however, given the extreme damage of the buildings and the flights themselves.

Many of these conspiracies are outlandish, and some are even extremely disrespectful to those who lost their lives. Yet, they stay active within the public discourse. In Time Magazine, an article by Lee Grossman explains this concept. According to Grossman, "36% of Americans consider it very likely or somewhat likely that government officials either allowed the attacks to be carried out or carried out the attacks themselves" (Grossman 1). This is a surprisingly number of Americans today who continue to show distrust in their own government regarding the nature of the September 11 attacks and how the government had a hand in it.

There are a number of conspiracy theories which attest to the nature of just how traumatic 9/11 as in this country. Some are relatively convincing, while others are simply ludicrous. In regards to the September 11 conspiracy theories, the same is true with all such thoughts of conspiracy, "the more you think about them, the more they depend on circumstantial evidence, facts, without analysis or documentation, quotes taken out of context, and the scattered testimony of traumatized witnesses" (Grossman.....

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