Confused About Technology Today Because Essay

Total Length: 348 words ( 1 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 0

The article presents a harsh reality meant to raise public awareness and make people understand that they need to have a complex understanding of smartphones and wireless connectivity if they want to experience as little negative effects as possible as a result of being connected on a constant basis.

By studying two families in Orange County and their relationship with their smarphones Kim wants to prove that one does not necessarily have to be connected to the internet all the time in order for the respective person to be able to work effectively and refrain from offending people who he or she is collaborating with. The informatics assistant professor hopes that her work will influence the masses and companies in particular to accept that it is important to concentrate on making people feel less attached to their smartphones and to technology in general.

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Kim believes that some of the time that people spend connected to the internet is causeless and that someone needs to do something….....

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