Conflict I Once Was Stationed With a Essay

Total Length: 303 words ( 1 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2


I once was stationed with a company in which the department in which I worked was exceedingly small and consisted of me and one other individual who was my immediate superior. He took exception to some of my working habits and instead of personally conveying them to me, wrote a series of unpleasant emails. I initially attempted to ignore them, but after he failed to stop I eventually responded to him with a similar email that was unpleasant in tone. In this regard, the communication process was vital in both escalating the situation and in eventually resolving it, since communications is one of the four main principles of peace keeping (Myers, 2010, p. 499).

After seeing my email he eventually talked to me in person about the issues, which were less a matter of proprietary right and wrong and more a matter of personal preference. The result of that verbal….....

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