Conflict Management and Conflict Journal Professional

Total Length: 629 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 4

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Individual Perceptions

The modern working environment has been characterized by numerous changes that ate attributable to various factors such as the increase in the number of millennials in the workplace. As a result of the changes in the working environment, organizations also started to change in order to enhance their reputation as the best places to work (Erol, n.d.). As workforce demographics continue to experience tremendous changes, organizations have been forced to change as part of establishing the most suitable working environments. Organizations have shifted their policies and practices in order to hire and retain highly qualified workers and provide the best compensation and benefits packages. Organizational shifts have in turned changed the roles of employees, which in turn affects individual behaviors and perceptions. Due to organizational shifts, employees have gained more decision-making roles as their relationships with employers have changed. The changes in employees' roles have influenced individual perceptions and behaviors through creating a sense of ownership among workers. As employees are increasingly engaged in decision making processes in the workplace, they demonstrate an enhanced sense of ownership of organizational processes and work activities.

Organizational shift through generations has influenced individual performance positively through engaging employees in key decision-making processes.

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The shift has enabled employees to enhance their contributions to work processes because of the enhanced sense of ownership. This has in turn generated positive impacts on organizational performance because enhanced employees' input enhances the performance of an organization. Arvinen-Muondo & Perkins (2013), the enhanced organizational performance from the organizational shift is brought by enhanced employee commitment and engagement. Therefore, organizational shift has generated positive behaviors among employees and improved their input to work

Individual Perceptions in Conflict Management

Conflict management is an important aspect towards enhancing the productivity of an organization's workforce given that conflicts are inevitable in the workplace because of differences in all aspects of life (Sakiyo & Mohammed, 2016). In the working environment, conflicts are bound to occur because of differences in cultural, educational, psychological, and professional backgrounds of employees. However, the effectiveness of conflict resolution mechanisms within an organization is affected by individual perceptions regarding conflict and conflict management techniques. In this regard, its important to consider individual perceptions in conflict management in order to enhance the effectiveness of conflict resolution measures. I will take individual perceptions into consideration in conflict management through adopting an open systems/management approach through which individuals are given….....

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