Conflict Is Essentially a New Vs. Old Case Study

Total Length: 1013 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

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conflict is essentially a new vs. old school issue. Mrs. Vei is old school teacher who wants to follow structure, doesn't believe in innovation in educational instruction and is guided by the principle of "it doesn't need to be fixed if it's not broken." On the other hand, Mrs. New believes in just the opposite. She wants to change the curriculum to help children reach their full potential. She feels that students with such favorable demographics should be in 90 percentile and not just 76. The best solution in the conflict would be to call a meeting of the superiors, present a plan for review of the curriculum and see how a change can be introduced. Since Mrs. New has dealt with a much tougher school environment and was still able to achieve 73 percentile, it shows that she knows what she is talking about. She has experience of helping students reach full potential and hence her plan for change is worth serious consideration. But since Mrs. Vei has more experience, she thinks that her style of instruction doesn't need to be corrected. The best resolution would be to present both plans to the board and let them take a decision. Mrs. New must prepare a written plan describing why she wants to see a change, what changes she wants to introduce and how they might affect the instruction style and overall academic performance of the students. Mrs. Vei can also present a written document on why she thinks the present system should not change.

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In the light of their experience with different demographics and the results they have been able to achieve, the school board should then decide what course of action is most suitable to resolve the conflict.

Mrs. New must prepare a document that would focus on the following aspects of her plan:

a. Her experience with at-risk students and the success she has been able to achieve

b. Research literature showing how better demographics are more likely to succeed to prove that 76 percentile is much lower than what can be achieved

c. Changes she wants to introduce in the curriculum and instruction method

d. Her experience with instruction styles and examples of what her method of teaching had been able to achieve

e. Why she thinks that her plan would work and bring out the best in each student

f. How she plans to make the curriculum more challenging and stimulating for students.

A document detailing all these points must then be submitted for review and the decision should then be left to the board so they can decide if indeed they are under-challenging their students and need to do something to revamp the curriculum and instruction method.

Answer 2:

Tenure review is a serious task since while tenure helps in protecting qualified teachers against teaching fads and fleeting trends, it also sometimes overprotects those who are not worthy of being in the profession. Some teachers could be easily let go had it not been for lenient tenure review….....

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