Conflict at Educational Pension Investments Research Proposal

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Foremost, Richardson also recognized that Roth had indeed generated financial progress. Despite this however, he was uncertain as how should he proceed and most of his conflict management was based on separate discussions with the parties. It was a positive approach since it gave a fair chance for all parties involved to state their viewpoints, but it was inefficient as it did not lead to a resolution of the conflict.

3. The conflict created at Educational Pension Investments by the hiring of a new investment broker with a visionary and aggressive approach could have been resolved more effectively if the chief executive officer had implemented the concepts of the collaborative approach to conflict management. In this order of ideas, Dan Richardson should have represented the liaison between Mike Roth and the older senior executives and should have communicated the interest of each party more clearly.

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Additionally, he should have created opportunities for the two parties to directly communicate and state their points-of-view. This operation would have been a constructive one even if the initial negotiations had failed. Considering that the seniors and Roth would have met in a private context and would have been given a chance to voice their concerns. They are both strongly indoctrinated in their beliefs, and it is less likely that the preliminary discussions had succeeded. However, it is possible that when more time had passed and each party had the time to think through the ideas of the other, some compromises would have been made and a more effective solution would have been reached.

Whetten, D.A., Cameron, K.S., Developing Management Skills,….....

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