Condom the Focus of "The Case Study

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" (Female, Age 23)

Women still believe in this day and age, that would be considered "cheap or trashy" if they were to demand their partner use a condom.

It has been reported that women are traditionally seen as the "gatekeepers of sexual morality but have a lack of assertion. (The

Condom, Page 232) It seems that men are still seen as being entitled to pressure women with regard to sexual practices, example of having sex without a condom. (The Condom,

What I have found to be very startling are women who are married. Some women who know their spouse is having extra marital affairs refuse to address the issue of using condom. They do not want to address the issue of the affair so they say nothing and take the risk of jeopardizing themselves. For some fear of abuse or rejection from their spouse was worse than the fear of contracting AIDS. However, some women restrict their spouse from having sex with them for fear of obtaining AIDS from their unfaithful spouse.

John Hopkins School of Health, Page 1)

In East and Central Africa women who believe their husbands are infected with HIV still have intercourse with their spouses without condoms because having children is more important tot heir staus in the family and community. (John Hopkins School of Public

Health, Pages 62,310, 357)

I am dumbfounded and appalled as to how we as women cannot emotionally detach ourselves and use logic when our health is to be taken into consideration. How can we in today's society still behave in such primitive manner? We can achieve just about anything that a man can achieve but yet we still fall to the pressures, guilt and worries of what a man thinks of us. So much so that we place ourselves at risk.

Men in general still say that using a condom hinders their feeling during sex.

They see condom usage as an interruption to the "flow" of sexual encounters (The

Condom, Page 236) "I know- I have read stuff that says they're not supposed to diminish the sensation- but personally I find that they do." (Male Age 35)

In general condoms were not considered to influence the female orgasm, many women found it painful because the vaginal lubrication would diminish.

A study of men in Hindu found that many men did not use condoms because they felt "the quacks (doctors) were out to get them" In some since they felt the "Government was out to get them." Many of them also felt that it was an interruption, it breaks the momentum. (Hindustan Times, Pages 2 and 3)

Alcohol did not have a large factor into why men will not where a condom. That was surprising to me as well. However most men said that no matter how much alcohol they drank, it was still in the backs of there minds.

It appears that we as a society in general still allow emotion to be the large factor in the decision to not wear a condom. There will always be a reason not too. We have a responsibility to society to protect each other but in some circumstances or personal denials we chose not to. When will we be able to realize that we have value, that it okay to say "use it or lose it" and whoever doesn't like it, male or female, can go elsewhere. I believe our only hope is the up and coming vaccine.

The sooner it comes available to the public the better for mankind.


Australian Federation of AIDS Organization

The Condom: Why People Don't Put It On Jan Browne and Victor Minichiello

John Hopkins School of Public Health,


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