Condoleezza Rice They Will Often Associate Her Essay

Total Length: 794 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

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Condoleezza Rice they will often associate her with working in the Bush White House as an advisor and Secretary of State. This is because she has played an important role helping to establish polices and the direction for foreign policy decisions. To fully understand her requires focusing on the emotional intelligence theory. This will be accomplished by examining self-awareness, self-management, social awareness and relationship management strategies. Together, these elements will help in determining her business, civic, cultural and political viewpoints.

The Emotional Intelligence Theory

The emotional intelligence theory is focusing on understanding how someone is able to identify and control their feelings over themselves as well as others. During this process, the individual will use their passion, spirituality and beliefs to bring about positive changes. In the case of Condoleezza Rice, these attributes helped her to effectively interact with others and invite transformations in the way everyone is working together. This has created a shift in how various heads of state and leaders are interacting with each other. ("Emotional Intelligence," 2012)


Self-awareness is when the individual has a sense of understanding who they are and their role in the world. This occurs based upon their experiences and the outcomes of various events.

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In the case of Condoleezza Rice, this took place with her growing up in the segregated South and learning how to overcome tremendous obstacles in order to become stronger. These attributes helped to provide her with a greater understanding of who she is and her role in the world. This is the point that she had a sense of certainty about achieving a variety of goals based upon: these experiences and her ability to adapt / surmount numerous challenges. (Cassidy, 2008) (Mayer, 2004) (Felix, 2010)

Self-management strategies

Self-management strategies are when the individual is engaged in actions that will shape how they react to different events and improve themselves. Condoleezza Rice used this from an early age to become an accomplished concert pianist (who played with the Denver Symphony Orchestra at the age of 15). Moreover, these ideas helped her to become focused on achieving career orientated goals by: serving as the provost at Stanford University, on the National Security Council and the Council of Foreign relations. Her ability to manage her time and focus is what helped to make her so successful throughout the course of her life. (Cassidy, 2008) (Mayer,….....

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