Concentration My Proposal Is for Term Paper

Total Length: 503 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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These four courses, when put together, will give me the ability to build financial models that take into consideration all of the fundamental aspects of the finance profession. Financial models derive not only from the strong financial techniques but from a keen understanding of the different qualitative factors (strategy, marketing) on which the numbers in financial models are based.

Finance is becoming an increasingly important function in business, so it is important to bring more financial professionals to the employment market. The internationalization of business makes it all the more important that we graduate students who are capable not only of identifying market opportunities but also of understanding quickly and easily the financial issues that go into making the best investment decisions, especially when doing business overseas where the risks are higher.

The finance profession has long been recognized as a unique branch of business, with its own executive class (CFOs), and as something distinct from the accounting function. By allowing for a finance specialization comprised of the above-mentioned four courses, Marshall would encourage more students to pursue this discipline so vital to American business. I would benefit in particular, because I would be able not only to pursue my passion but to promote my financial background when I enter the workforce, allowing me to represent Marshall even better than I otherwise would......

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