Competitive Market and Employees

Total Length: 393 words ( 1 double-spaced pages)

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Demand for More Work Flexibility

As times change, the workforce of today and tomorrow will be different than of the past. Work conditions and standards alter according to demand and evolution of the human resource department. With need for quality human capital within companies, HR managers have to respond to the professional and personal needs of employees to keep turnover rates low and retention high. This may mean creation of flexible staffing schedules and work hours. By companies implementing policies that allow flexible work hours, employees can benefit and maintain a higher level of satisfaction at work.

Research into emergence of family and work balance problems within the United States, opening with history of such issues in the 1960's. Four key areas will be examined:

History of family/work balance

Changing needs of present and future employees

New issues companies face

Programs implemented by companies to handle demand for flexible work hours


1960's and the start of two-income households increased demand for more flexible work hours instead of traditional 9-5.

With women working more and the 1971 economic crash, the continued need for flexible work hours climbed.

Women played a vital role in flexible workplace prevalence due to an over 31% jump in employment rates among women.

In 1990's the use of new technology allowed for telecommuting making work from home possible, providing accommodation for flexible work hours.

Results of Flexible Workforce Programs

Outcomes seem good and suggest introduction of policies promoting flexible work hours has contributed to a company's productivity and retention rates among its employees. Companies must tend to some of the demands of employees in order to remain competitive, making a flexible work environment essential.

New Challenges

The down economy and consistent recessions has kept a need to keep operational….....

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"Competitive Market And Employees", 23 January 2017, Accessed.3 July. 2024,