Comparison and Contrast Final Version Essay

Total Length: 838 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

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Gossip vs. News

With the expanding use of social networking sites, organizations and blogs have a growing ability to broadcast information to extraordinarily wide audience. Photos, videos, and written comments can be instantly shared on sites like Twitter and Facebook, allowing followers to have instant access to news. The expansion of these sites can often make it hard to distinguish news and fact from gossip and hearsay. This is particularly prevalent in entertainment news, which has always had a strong link with tabloids and gossip. Thus, the ability to distinguish entertainment news from gossip has become increasingly important to both reporters and their audience. Gossip can be defined as information that has no credible or verified source and little news value, while entertainment news has verified sources, is typically confirmed by industry professionals, and has a significant informational value that informs the public of relevant events. In this sense, gossip can be contrasted with news as information that has no credible basis or truth.

During late 2009 and throughout 2010, Tiger Woods was a favorite of entertainment media outlets. The news coverage of Woods' personal life became an excellent case study of the interplay between entertainment news and celebrity gossip. The most successful golfer in the history of the game, he is worth billions of dollars and has always had an excellent public image.
In late 2009, information regarding his alleged extramarital affairs was leaked to the tabloid press. This information, at first, was purely gossip. It was based on hearsay, and the alleged mistresses and Woods, himself, declined to comment on the allegations. The newsworthiness of the allegations was also questionable because Wood's behavior had very little bearing on the golf community, industry events, or athletics in general. At the time, many of the most credible athletic and entertainment reporters dismissed the reports as gossip (Rich, 2009).

In comparison, several months after the first reports surfaced, interviews from verified sources, and comments from Woods himself began to confirm the stories of infidelity. As confirmation of events occurred the information became verifiable news. Press conferences were held, and both Wood's and his management stated that he would be taking a break from golf to pursue treatment for some personal issues. Many reporters made the distinction that the story had become news as opposed to gossip. In fact, compared to earlier reports, the later reports began to analyze the impact the events would have on the golf industry and Wood's commercial endorsements. Wood's personal issues became news because….....

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