Company, Organization, or Government to Term Paper

Total Length: 692 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 4

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Often companies find that once these guidelines are in place their internal knowledge transfer and knowledge management attain higher levels of accuracy and efficiency (McAfee, 2006).

There is also a strong relationship between the consistencies of the social media policies and the effectiveness of enterprise-wide knowledge management as well (Parise, 2009). Employees know what can and cannot be said on social networks, and how to handle and escalate requests for information from insiders and outsiders alike. In short needs to be a consistent strategy that seeks to unify all of the information needs that social networks are making more visible. At the same time, social networks need to be managed to trust and clarity over obfuscation and slanting knowledge to an organizations' favor.

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In these skeptical and cynical times, honesty wins out over spin much more than ever before.


Social media policies act to unify data, information, and knowledge management throughout an organization. The use of these policies can also transform social networks into effective recruitment and training platforms, in addition to enhancing and strengthening a company's brand as well. Pervading all of these efforts however needs to be a continual focus on retaining and growing trust through accountability, honesty, and transparency......

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