Community Assessment Essay

Total Length: 370 words ( 1 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

Social and Economic Characteristics

Hialeah has a population of 236,387, and has grown at a rate of more than 5% since 2010 (United States Census, 2016). The vast majority (94.7%) of the population is Hispanic, white, black, or not indicated in the United States Census as of 2016. Almost three quarters of the population of Hialeah is foreign-born, corresponding with the fact that 92% of the population speaks Spanish both as a first language and in their homes. High school graduation rate is 70%, and 13% of the population has a Bachelor’s degree or higher. Mean household income in Hialeah is $29.249, and 27.1% of the population lives below the poverty line.

Community Issues and Attitudes

Although 94.7% of the population of Hialeah is Hispanic, there is a considerable degree of diversity in terms of values, attitudes, and beliefs about different community issues. Of special concern to the Cuban population of Hialeah is retaining ties with relatives in Cuba including the sending of remittances (Moreno & Ilcheva, 2008). Remaining politically active is a more common concern among persons in the community over the age of 40; whereas the younger demographic tends to feel more entrenched in the local community and interested in local entrepreneurship.
When it comes to healthcare, Hialeah residents feel confident in their local system for providing inoculations and emergency treatment interventions, and health outreach information is offered in Spanish.

Inventory Study Area Features

In terms of medical and health care facilities and features, Hialeah is located relatively close to the largest healthcare and medical complex in the entire county: Jackson Memorial Hospital. An extensive range of services—practically all that is available in American healthcare—is available at Jackson. In fact, people from around the world utilize the services there, indicating a strong ability to withstand major pandemics and medical emergencies.


The initial assessment indicates a strong and cohesive community with no glaring issues or concerns, other than helping reduce rates of poverty. Through the assessment, I learned that attitudes towards the future of the community are generally positive in outlook

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