Communication When Most of Us Essay

Total Length: 976 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

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However, the type of training format isn't the only thing the trainer must deal with. There are times when a trainee can present conflict in the training class which causes unwanted disruption. The trainer must be familiar with the various methods of dealing with conflict.

In each training class, there will be different types of trainees. The quiet type does not contribute to the class at all; the talkative trainee tries to talk more than the trainer which disrupts the class; the know-it-all thinks he can do a better job of training the class than the trainee; the negative trainee criticizes everything the trainer does; and the aggressive trainee does not possess the social skills to converse appropriately or argue constructively. In each case, the trainer must know how to handle the situation.

When dealing with the quiet trainee, the trainer should not try to force the person to speak. He must realize that everyone learns differently and not place this type of trainee in a situation where he feels uncomfortable. The talkative trainee should be reigned in so that he or she does not dominate the class. Politely ask this type of trainee to give someone else a chance to answer any questions. The know-it-all trainees should be acknowledged, but they should not be encouraged to continue talking. The negative trainee should be empathized with and then steered in a positive direction. The aggressive trainee needs to know upfront that their behavior is unacceptable.

Sometimes trainees can pose a potential threat to the trainer. This is especially the case with the aggressive trainee. In situations like this, it is imperative that the trainee is familiar with conflict resolution. The trainer cannot be non-confrontational with the aggressive trainee because the person will take over the class. It is also a good idea not to be confrontational with this type of trainee as it is already known that he lacks the appropriate social skills and will only get angrier when confronted. The best approach when dealing with confrontation is to use the cooperative conflict management style.

The cooperative management style is best because it allows the trainee to adapt to the other person's method of how he deals with conflict. If the trainee is prone to verbal attacks, the trainee can manage his own emotions so that he doesn't resort to verbally attacking the trainee. Other effective methods to resolve conflict in the classroom would be to identify the behavior and not call out or attack the person. Mirroring or repeating what the person says to be sure he is understood is also effective.

Training is a process from beginning to end. Courses must be developed as well as the training plan to deliver the course. Trainees must also be managed and a good trainer can perform all these tasks and stay on course with diligence and practice......

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