Communication Medium in the Situation Research Paper

Total Length: 541 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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This is the medium that would meet the needs of the training on the new products that organization wants to introduce and make the same resource person to be able to educate all the 21 branches without him being present in any of these branches.

Vide conferencing is not only use in business situations but many prominent universities have also opted for this medium as an educational tool to be utilized in association with other modes like online courses.

Since the facilitator may have information from many different sources, the first thing that he will do is to have the information collected and arranged into a simple kind of outline structure that the trainees and the employees will be able to read. After he has organized them well, he will send them via email to all the representatives of the 21 branches.

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This will be used as a resource material during the training hence each individual will print the training layout and have it during the training. This is the advantage of having the email and the video conferencing mediums in this particular training scenario. Alternatively, the outline can be posted in advance on the organization intranet and each of the participants encouraged to print or to read it before the training day......

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