Communication the Author Defines Communication Assessment

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c) I would avoid something obviously inappropriate like wearing pyjamas to K-Mart or things like that. I would also avoid wearing ill-fitting clothes or clothes that are inappropriate for the environment. I would not wear my jogging sweats to a church function, for example. At the same time, I would not wear my Sunday best simply to go out for some KFC and fries. Wearing wildly inappropriate clothes in any situation would create the impression that I do not care enough about myself or what I am doing to think about what I wear.


Cornelius LaPide appears to be saying that all a person is in his or her heart can be seen in the face and eyes; even those who deceive others about this cannot hide the truth consistently from appearing on their faces. I agree with this. The mouth and eyes are, for me, the most expressive parts of the human physique. I think these two in combination tell the observer precisely what another person feels. In the show "Lie to Me," for example, the premise is that lies can be detected by means of gestures, but mostly by what happens in the face.


Vocalics refers to the "volume, tone, pitch, accent, speaking pace, and silence" (p. 22) a person uses to communicate. Kinesics are "gestures, facial expressions, and eye contact" (p. 23) during communication. Proxemics refers to the "use of space" (p. 23) in communication, which generally means proximity in face-to-face communication. Haptics describes "touch, or by the lack thereof, among people." (p. 24) Chronemics refers to the "timing of our message transmissions to others," (p. 25) which can profoundly impact the quality and meaning of messages.

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Physical appearance, as the term implies, concerns what a person looks like. This is broadly divided into the categories of "attractive" and "unattractive." Artifacts are the "material objects" (p. 27) people use to determine non-verbal messages. These can include clothing, jewelry, tattoos, and so on.


Vocalics: A person who speaks very slowly and clearly may be perceived as being slightly less than intelligent; however, this may only be the result of second-language competence. The person cannot yet speak with the certainty or pace of a native speaker.

Kinesics: In some cultures, eye contact and a smile signify confidence and friendliness. In others, it could be perceived as disrespect, especially when directed at a person that is not a peer.

Proxemics: The differences here are also cultural. When waiting in line, a person could become annoyed if others stand too close to him or her, violating personal space. For the other person, however, closer proximity may be perfectly natural, developed from the evolutionary concept of "safety in numbers."

Haptics: A hug for some may simply mean "I am so happy to see you." Others might interpret it as a romantic gesture, opening the possibility for more touch and greater proximity.

Chronemics: When a death occurs, some would prefer to wait a respectable amount of time before offering sympathy. The bereaved, on the other hand, may crave comfort as soon as possible.

Physical appearance: In some cultures, obesity is considered a sign of prosperity and therefore of beauty. In others, it is considered to signify lack of self-control and therefore unattractive.

Artifacts: An employer could consider a tattoo as a signifier of a rebellious nature and therefore an unreliable.....

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